Salsa is the world’s most popular Latin dance. It is loved because of it’s music, it’s origins and it’s many dance style’s. Salsa refers to a fusion of informal dance styles having roots in the Caribbean (especially in Cuba and Puerto Rico), Latin and North America. The name “Salsa” is the Spanish word for sauce, connoting (in American Spanish) a spicy flavor.
Salsa is usually a partner dance, although there are recognized solo steps and some forms are danced in groups of couples, with frequent exchanges of partner (Rueda de Casino). Improvisation and social dancing are important elements of Salsa but it appears as a performance dance too.
Salsa is danced on a core rhythm that lasts for two measures of four beats each. The basic step in salsa dancing typically uses three steps each measure. This pattern might be quick-quick-slow, taking two beats to gradually transfer the weight, or quick-quick-quick allowing a tap or other embellishment on the vacant beat. It is conventional in salsa dancing for the two musical measures to be considered as one, so the count goes from 1 to 8 over two musical bars.
Cuban Salsa (Rueda)
Cuban-style salsa, also known as Casino, is popular in many places around the world, including in Europe, Latin America, North America, and even in some countries in the Middle East. Dancing Casino is an expression of popular social culture; Cubans consider casino as part of social and cultural activities centering around their popular music. The name Casino is derived from the Spanish term for the dance halls, “Casinos Deportivos” where a lot of social dancing was done among the better off, white Cubans during the mid-20th century and onward.
Rueda, pronounced (ROO-EH-DAH) this dance form originated in the streets of Cuba, where couples formed a circle and created various moves and patterns involving partner changes. Rueda is normally danced to Cuban style salsa music, which is more dynamic and funky than traditional salsa.

Salsa Styles
There are many characteristics that may identify a style. There may be different step patterns, different timing of steps, particular movements on the dance floor, dancer preference of turns and moves, attitude, dress code, and others. The presence of one or more of particular elements does not necessarily define a particular style.
For example, many styles can be danced “On One” or one style may be danced “On One” or “On Two”. The following are the major “recognizable” styles Salsa;
L.A. (Modern / Linear), Cuban, Venezolana (Dominicana), Colombian, Mambo (N.Y.) Puerto Rican, LA Rueda, Salsa Disco
Bachata is a style of dance that originated in the Dominican Republic. Bachata is a very smooth and sexy dance that is easy to learn.
A popular dance that is danced in Salsa clubs. The basics to the dance are three-step with a cuban hip motion, followed by a tap including a hip movement on the 4th beat.
Tango is one the most famous partner dance styles that emphasizes the vibrant and playful style of movement, rich expressions, improvisation and requiresclose connection and passion between dancers.
Tango is characterized by a close hold, a low centre of gravity and an emphasis on Contra Body movement. Movement is stealthy, almost cat-like and has an unmistakable staccato feel and major dramatic attitude.
They say that the Argentine Tango is felt in the heart, not the feet. The focus is placed more so on the dance partner and not the choreography or steps.
Other Styles
Cha Cha Cha
With its origin from Cuba, Cha Cha Cha evolved from the Mambo. It is a very popular Street latin dance style because it can be either danced to authentic Cuban music, or Latin Pop or Latin Rock. The music for the international ballroom cha-cha-cha is energetic and with a steady beat. The Cuban cha-cha-cha is more sensual and may involve complex polyrhythms. Characterised by 2 slow steps followed by 3 fast chasses. It became a sensation in the 1950s to dance on the off beat instead of the common down beats.
Argentinian Tango
Tango is one the most famous partner dance stlyes that emphasizes the vibrant and playful style of movement, rich expressions, improvisation and requires close connection and passion between dancers.
Tango is characterized by a close hold, a low center of gravity and an emphasis on Contra Body movement. Movement is stealthy, almost cat-like and has an unmistakable staccato feel and major dramatic attitude.